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Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers (OLME)

OLME is one of the most dynamic Civil Servants? Federations; it consists of 91 local unions and is the only secondary state school teachers union in Greece with more than 55,000 members. OLME was established in 1924 with the purpose to secure teachers? working rights and to promote Greek culture.

Nowadays OLME focuses on:

  • The co-ordination of all local unions it consists of, aiming at the moral, social and professional development of teachers while defending their rights.
  • Its contribution to the development of Greek culture.

OLME is an affiliated member of ADEDY, the Civil Servants Confederation, and a member of ETUCE and Education International. So far, OLME has developed significant union work and has been on the forefront of all struggles defending social rights and claims. OLME supports a public, free-for-all education without discrimination, and is fighting for an increase of the state budget on education.

Moreover, OLME is closely related to and cooperates with teacher trade unions across Europe and around the world.

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