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19-09-2013 ETUCE statement of solidarity with Greek Teachers

Greek teachers? strikes as of 16 September 2013

?OLME (Greek Federation of Secondary Education State School Teachers) is launching a five?days rolling strike as of 16 September following the decision of the teachers? general assemblies. At the end of each 5 days strike the teachers? general assemblies will take stock of the
situation and then decide on the course of the strike action. 

?The situation in public schools is dramatic:

?There are 16,000 fewer teachers in secondary education meaning 20% reduction since June
?102 Vocational Education Schools are closing down
?2,500 Vocational Education Teachers are being suspended-just a step before dismissals.
?In 2009 there was 33% reduction of spending on education which is expected to reach 47% in 2016.
?There is a compulsory transfer of 5,000 teachers to primary education and administration posts.
?          The government has passed a new law on education without a dialogue establishing a harsh, examination-centered system in all forms/grades of upper secondary education forcing students to seek private tuition outside school and leading to school dropouts.

The ETUCE Director, Martin R?mer, will be in Athens on 19-20 September to support our Greek colleagues.

Click here to watch a short video explaining why Greek teachers decided to go on strike

Read the ETUCE Statement of solidarity with our Greek Colleagues