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18-09-2013 OLME Solidarity Account

To: International Organisations and Trade Unions

Athens, 17/09/2013

Dear Colleagues,

As you have already been informed, secondary education teachers have started rolling strikes from September 16.

The government?troika (EU-ECB-IMF) is destroying public schools inGreeceand is degrading education.

Teacher Trade Unions and workers are kindly requested to support teachers in strike through:

a)      Resolutions,

b)      Financial contributions to OLME solidarity fund in the following Bank account.


Account Number. : 114-00-2002-005457

IBAN: GR31 0140 1140 1140 0200 2005 457


Branch : LEKKA (114)


For the E.B of OLME

The President                                                                                 Secretary General

You may download the related file in pdf format … here