=0; $j--){ $f = $files[$j]; global $uploaden_entriesdir; $im = $uploaden_entriesdir.$f["filename"]; if ($f["filename"]){ $img = ht_a($im, ic_img($f["filename"]), "Download File: ".$f["filename"], false, false); $filesize=" (".round($f["filesize"]/1024)." Kb)"; } else{ $img="-"; $filesize="";} $c=$j+1; echo "\n"; echo "\t".$c."\n"; echo "\t".$img.$filesize."\n"; if ($f["link"]!== "http://") $titlelink = "\t".$f["title"]; else $titlelink =$f["title"]; echo "\t".$titlelink."\n"; echo "\t".ht_sp(date("j.n.Y", $f["ddate"]))."\n"; if($admin) { $ae = ht_a("en_entriesedit.php?i=".$f["id"], "Modify", "Modify entry: \"".$f["title"]."\""); $ad = ht_a("en_entriesdel.php?i=".$f["id"],"Delete", "Delete entry: \"".$f["title"]."\""); echo "\t".$ae."\n"; echo "\t".$ad."\n"; } echo "\n"; } } function table($files) { echo "

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"; echo "\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\n"; en_entrieslist($files); echo "
\n"; echo "

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".ht_img("images/logo.gif","OLME")."      Greek Federation of State School Teachers of Secondary Education       "; echo "

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:: Greek Version
"; echo " \"OLME\"
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"; echo "
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\n"; echo "
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